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Statueta din portelan Capodimonte
Dimensiuni: 31 x 13 cm diametru postament 15 cm
Culoare: alb, negru, gri
Material: portelan Capodimonte
Statueta este lucrata si pictata manual de artizanii italieni, respectand cele mai inalteĀ standarde de calitateĀ confirmate de indelungata traditie a scolii Capodimonte. Finetea portelanului este pusa in valoare de detaliile minutioase si delicatetea modelajului.
Guys, you rock!
I love your store! There is the largest selection of products of the exceptional quality and the lowest prices like in no other store. My family appreciated my purchase, I have no words to describe how pleased I am...Thanks a lot to your store, to your team and the delivery in time!!! Go on your great business, stay the best!